Monday, March 31, 2008

Find 3 elements in your text that you feel are especially important. The elements you choose could be symbols and/or metaphors and/or allegories and/or characters and/or settings and/or moods and/or plots and/or conflicts. If you've written about an element in class or online, you can use it for this assignment.
For each element, write what it is and describe it a bit. For example, if you found a symbol, write that it's a symbol, describe where you see it, and describe what it means.
How do you know that it is what you say it is? For example, if you found a metaphor, how do you know it's a metaphor?
Describe what each element you chose does in the text. You don't need to describe how that element works in general, you should have already done that. In stead, describe what that particular example does in your book specifically. That is, what's the element's job?
Do you know the project of your book? If so, what is it?
I picked symbols the title of the book because its about someone trying to love, during isolation.
The Characterswell beacause they are important and they have a meaning in the story.

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