Friday, March 14, 2008

A professor by the name of Dr. Thomas Foresters says, "... there's only one story." He goes on to explain that he thinks every book is just the same story told over and over again in different ways, in different settings, with different characters, and with a few of the same conflicts. He thinks that all stories borrow from each other.
Is your book's story completely original and new? Or, do you recognize pieces of familiar stories in your book?
What makes your book's story original, or old news?
Do you think that a writer in this day and age can make a completely new story?

well i belive that yes all books are kind of the same. why well porke it all has to do with someone , in the end its the same as all the books.

its kind of old news, it took place of insolation in a small souther mill town. So its talking about history.
Yes it can invole of what happens now. In the future.